Moderations enrich my journalistic work.
Through my work as specialised journalist I gained a sound understanding in quite a few areas.
This competence is the base form y moderation work, it alows me to partake in complex depated, discussions and conferences in a confident and approachable manner.
If you are planning an event and are looking for a moderator, feel free to contact me.
Fachverband Biogas
Husum Messe & Congress
Bundesverband WindEnergie (BWE)
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR)
TenneT TSO GmbH
Deutsch-französisches Büro für erneuerbare Energien
Zentralverband des Deutschen Bäckerhandwerks e.V.
Deutsche Energie Agentur (dena)
watt_2.0, Fotos ©
Projektatelier Whylen
Windpark Hollich GmbH & Co.KG (Fotos: Günther Hilgemann)
VHE Nord e. V.
Ökoverein Pellworm
Grüner Ring Leipzig
Wind to Gas Energie GmbH & Co. KG
BBWind Projektberatungsgesellschaft mbH (Fotos: Lisa Zenker/BBWind)
Statkraft Erneuerbare GmbH